Java Coding Standard
Coding standards for classes
Usually class name should be noun. Should starts with upper case letter and if it contain multiple words every inner words also should start with capital letters. Ex: String StringBuffer NumberFormat CustomerInformation
Coding standards for Interfaces
Usually interface named should be adjective, starts with capital letters and if it contains multiple words, every inner word also should starts with capital letter. Ex: Runnable Serializable Clonable Movable Transferable Workable
Coding standards with methods
Values should be either verbs or verb + noun combination. Starts with lower case and every inner words starts with upper case(this convention is also called camel case convention). Ex: getName(), getMessage(), toString(), show(), display().
Coding standards for variables
Usually the variable starts with noun and every inner word should start with upper case i.e camel case convention. Ex: Name, rollno, bandwidth, totalNumber.
Coding standards for constants
It should be noun, it should contain only upper case letters and works are separated with underscores. Ex: MAX_SIZE, MIN_PRIORITY, COLLEGE_NAME.